Seriously, they're like currency. These are wooden cellphone keychains, huh? I've also seen in paintings of township scenes cellphone company billboards and stores included. There are also plenty of shops and stands around that sell accessories and "unlocking" services which is where you take the cell phone you just stole or robbed from an unsuspecting tourist.
Someone at TJ's tell Wayne I'm using one the phones he gave me to give to a mugger as a my cell phone. It doesn't work too well.
My south african cell phone number is 27 71 078 9159, in case anyone wants to give a shout out. Hey, it's only 25 cents a minute through skype to call So_AF!
I have a pay as you go plan, I buy airtime at grocery stores and punch a number in the phone to recharge it. This is also how people buy electricity and the internet is per mb so you can actually run out of electricity and internet. Fun!
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